Mirror-hang placards or license plates for the permanently
disabled are available when the disability is certified. The application
must be completed by a medical doctor licensed to practice medicine, a physician's
assistant or nurse practitioner acting in conjunction with a written protocol
developed jointly by a physician, or a Christian Science Practitioner listed
in the Christian Science Journal. This is not required when renewing a permanent
plate or placard. Mirror-hang placards initially cost $21.50 and are valid
for two years. They are renewable every two years for a fee of $3.00. The
initial permanent placard may be free if the applicant has a vehicle currently
registered in their name. The
placard may be used in any vehicle in which the disabled person is a passenger.
A temporary placard is valid for a period of six (6)months and is available
upon physician certification. Cost of the temporary placard is $10.00 and
can only be renewed one time. (Requires new certification) Certification
is made on a form supplied by the State Department of Revenue. These forms
are available from the County Clerk's Office. You may call 209-6525 and
request a form by mail, or submit
your request via email.
A completed disability application form with the appropriate fee can
be brought to either of the County Clerk offices or mailed to:
W.F. (Bill) Knowles
PO Box 24868
Chattanooga, TN 37422-4868.
Disabled applicants for a mirror-hang placard are not required to have a
vehicle registered in their name. However, if applying for a plate the vehicle
information must be submitted on the prescribed form. The vehicle title
must prove ownership by the applicant either individually or jointly.
When a plate is preferred the vehicle owner should bring the completed
State Disabled Application Form to either of the tag and title offices.
If this special plate is replacing a plate that is still valid the plate
must be surrendered when applying for the disabled tag.
Free plates are authorized only when a physician certifies the applicant
is 100% confined to a wheelchair. When the plate is issued by the County
Clerk's office for the first time the applicant may request a free mirror-hang
placard that is valid for two years.
Need Photo Driver License or other acceptable photo I.D.
Go Here for acceptable forms of I.D.
Also, when visiting the office please consider donating a dollar to the
State Organ Donor Awareness Program.